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  • [es-pree de less-ka/-iay] (idiom) A witty remark that occurs to you too late, literally on the way down the stairs. The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations defines esprit de l'escalier as, "An untranslatable phrase, the meaning of which is that one only thinks on one's way downstairs of the smart retort one might have made in the drawing room."


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June 19, 2006


I *know* you put up that wretched self-portrait of the two of us just to antagonize me-- there has GOT to be a better one!! (I notice, too, that you chose one where *you* looked particularly cute... I am beginning to understand how this blog thing works!).

And where are the "Boob Holla'" pics?!! ;)

It was great seeing you guys! I wish you could have stayed longer!!!!

Bird, I swear that's the cutest of us. Really, I'll email you the worse ones. And I thought it was cute of both of us. (Though I didn't put up the pictures of the bloggy friends because, while Anthony looks cute, I look drunken and sweaty. Ew.) That is totally how this blog works. Feel free to start your own and put up unflattering photos of me. (Or not.)

The boob holla picture is hilarious. I didn't know if people would be mad if I put a pic of them grabbing their breasts on the internet... if it's okay by the people involved I'll add it. :)

Two things:

1. Increasingly, I understand why Natasha hates your digital camera so much. ;)

2. I think you should assume "boob holla'" permission and just take it down if the involved parties mind (they won't! :).

Bird, I have a dozen plus pictures of you and I together, which, if memory serves, *you* were pro in the taking of, because you wanted to achieve a superlative picture of us. Now, just because you aren't happy with the results doesn't mean you should start hating the camera. You held it half the time! So, in short, pppphhtt!

I don't have the boob holla photo with me at work... you'll have to wait til tomorrow.

why didn't we just have someone else take a photo of us, so our heads wouldn't be so distorted? Are we *really* graduate students? One would think we could figure such things out.

Too bad my d. camera is on leave. I am sure I could have taken a better photo with superior equipment! :)

Actually, the worst of the bunch are the ones other people took...

Next time! Seriously, though, I was thinking of moving in for the rest of the summer. I think I could go on talking to you and Sarah for days before we would run out of topics.

On behalf of Sarah and me (and I am sure Lana, too... well, I am reasonably sure), I feel you should DEFINETELY move in! SO much fun would be had!! (<- check out that awkward sentence structure-- I think the only demonstrable result of my Lithuanian study thus far is diminished english fluency!!)

It was great having you-- I feel you should come and visit again this summer! :)

Perhaps, you two have heard of this thing called a telephone? It's great. It's like you talk into this thing and the other person can hear you out of another thing in near real time. I've used one for a while now, and I love mine. You should try it.

It was great meeting you and Natasha this weekend. And wow, you were a great Sink the Biz drinking proxy for the local Bloomington lightweight (i.e. Bertie). Impressive.

Perhaps, Anthony, you have heard of the word "ass". As a noun, it can be defined two ways: 1) the round, soft skin deposit seperated by a canyon-like slice, immediately posterior to the small of your back. 2) How Anthony M. acts in the virtual realm. You can find this and other words in the "dictionary". I have used one of these word-intesive books for quite awhile and I find that I like it. Webster, in particular, puts out a good one. You should try it.


Claire, you were an amazing StB player-- and I appreciate the ONE drink you took for me. Anthony, have you thanked Sarah for the three she pounded for you? If not, you should pick up that telephonic contrapation you were talking about and extend your thanks in real-time. I am sure she would appreciate it.


(my goodness-- after a long day, I think I get a bit snarky. Oh, well... Anthony had it coming!)

Bloomington? You don't know my friend Keary do you? She lives in Oak Park now, but grew up in Bton. Her dad was a prof there, Prof. Cragan, and her mom had a bunch of Irish Wolfhounds. Anyway, it's a small world.

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